The RX Jump Rope handles
The RX Jump rope boasts the highest level of handle grip compared to all other speed ropes. With handles that offer a similar feel to that of a tennis racket but with a remarkable 10 times more grip, you can be confident it won’t slip even during the most intense workouts. The handles are thoughtfully designed to be slightly wider than those found on regular speed ropes, ensuring a perfect fit for individuals with regular to large hands. Furthermore, the handles provide exceptional smoothness. Enhanced with free-spinning bearings, this rope enables efficient triple unders with ease. Additionally, the jump rope features a unique cable attachment system that not only accommodates double unders but also allows for cross-overs. The versatility of the RX Jump rope sets it apart as the ultimate choice among our assortment of jump ropes.
– Jacky Röhrig
they are very good to handle. And I like the color 😀
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– Pietro
High quality handles!
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– Tino Bayer
Good quality
Very satisfied
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– Ma
Very good
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– Rob
Heel goed springtouw. Supersnelle levering. ‘s avonds na 10 uur besteld, de volgende ochtend geleverd
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– Cinzia
Belli leggeri veloci. Ogni double under è divertimento e leggerezza insieme.
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– Sonia Márquez
Las empuñaduras son muy ergonómicas, el peso del cable es el adecuado para mi nivel y peso. Tal como decían en la guía antes de comprarla. Estoy muy contenta en general con la compra. La recomiendo!
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– Tamires
Very good handles. As I am still learning DUs, I needed something a bit heavier than the speed ropes so I could control it better. They are comfortable on my hands and I got my first 10 unbroken DUs.
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